
1st Annual Clinical Trials Training Summit

The National Clinical Trials Training Summit was organized by the four Clinical Trials Training Programs (CTTP) including StrokeCog, CANTRAIN, CAN-TAP-TALENT, and CBITN. The meeting was held in Montreal over the span of three days including 9 plenary sessions, 2 workshops, 3 keynote addresses, 27 speakers, 2 panels, and 70 poster awardees. 

StrokeCog was proud to have around 60 members in attendance including an equal combination of principal investigators, clinical research coordinators and trainees. In addition to participation in the larger joint sessions with CANTRAIN and the other CTTPs, StrokeCog attendees were treated to a series of 10 StrokeCog-themed talks or workshops including a panel discussion about how to meaningfully engage persons with lived/living experience (PWLE) in clinical strokes trials. The StrokeCog themes included a strong focus on the importance of diversity in clinicals trials including a talk on engaging Indigenous communities. Other themed topics included FAIR data management, patient oriented outcomes, and non-conventional clinical trial design in stroke. Dr. Edwards also gave an overview of progress with StrokeCog to-date as well as future plans. All talks were recorded and available to view via the CANTRAIN website for a limited time.

As part of the conference, there was a Poster Competition – and posters were judged by scientific experts and awarded prizes for the top three poster presentations for each trainee category (1st: $500, 2nd: $250, 3rd: $100) – Masters, PhD, PDFs. We would like to highlight that our StrokeCog awardee, Dr. Narlon Cassion Boa Sorte Silva, won first prize in the PDF competition.  

Read more about the Poster Competition HERE.