CanStroke Recovery Trials Platform and StrokeCog Clinical Trials Training Platform are excited to host the 2024 Canadian Stroke Congress.
The Canadian Stroke Congress is the premier Canadian conference devoted to sharing current best practices and future innovations for stroke and vascular cognitive impairment. The Congress has been curated by a world-class internationally-recognized scientific program committee. Our vision is to advance new discoveries and share cutting-edge clinical practices in order to restore lives impacted by stroke.
Canadian Stroke Congress targets frontline clinicians, researchers, allied health, research coordinators, trainees and community partners from around the world and includes a multi-stream program. Across two days, the congress will feature joint plenary sessions, parallel lectures and workshops, dynamic poster sessions with oral presentations, as well as dedicated time for networking. In addition, there are a number of free pre-congress workshops that are worth considering!
The Congress will also include a plenary session awarding the Hnatyshyn Lecture for outstanding lifetime service to a stroke researcher and the Nieboer Lecture for outstanding lifetime service to a community partner. Additionally, the Congress will include the inaugural Dale Corbett Translational Lectureship to recognize a researcher whose preclinical translational research has made a significant impact clinically.
Join us in Calgary November 28-29, 2024!
Read about the Scientific Program HERE. Read about the Pre-Congress Workshops HERE. Submit your scientific abstract HERE.